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4 Warning Signs That You Might Need Gallbladder Surgery

4 Warning Signs That You Might Need Gallbladder Surgery

We know that surgery isn’t exactly an enticing thought, but there are times when surgery can provide you with much-needed relief. Just ask the 300,000 people in the United States who undergo a cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal) each year to relieve the symptoms of gallbladder disease.

At our practice, board-certified gastroenterologist Dr. Sam Weissman and our team have helped many of our patients deal with painful gallbladder issues.

Here, we take a look at common gallbladder problems and the signs that often accompany them.

Gallbladder basics

First, let’s quickly review the role your gallbladder plays. This small organ is a sac that’s located just under your liver, and its sole job is to store and release the bile produced by your liver. Your gallbladder releases the bile into your small intestine to help break down fats.

The most common gallbladder problem are gallstones, which affect between 10% and 15% of the population in the US, or almost 25 million people. Gallstones occur when bile and other materials, namely cholesterol or bilirubin, form deposits inside the sac. Many people have gallstones that are asymptomatic, but if they become numerous enough or block your ducts, they can pose serious problems.

Outside of gallstones, other forms of gallbladder disease include cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), biliary dyskinesia, and gallbladder cancer, to name just a few.

Signs of a problematic gallbladder

While millions of people live with gallbladder disease without incident, when symptoms start to develop, it's time for treatment, which might include surgery.

The top four signs of gallbladder disease include:

1. Pain

This is one symptom that’s hard to ignore. If a gallstone or other issue is leading to dysfunction in your gallbladder and bile isn’t moving as it should, you can feel pain in your upper right abdomen. This pain can come and go with meals or it can be a constant, intense pain. The location of the pain can also extend into your abdomen and to your back and right shoulder.

Since pain is your body’s way of alerting you to an issue, we suggest that you come see us sooner rather than later.

2. Nausea, vomiting, fever, and chills

If you have nausea and vomiting, and even fever and chills, and these symptoms are accompanied by pain in your abdomen, this can signal a blockage and infection. It’s very important that you seek our help straight away so that we can take swift action to bring you relief and prevent further complications.

3. Bloating, belching, and indigestion

Gallbladder disease can lead to digestive side effects that include bloating, belching, excess gas, and indigestion. These symptoms may be stronger when you eat fatty foods.

4. Jaundice

If a gallstone blocks a bile duct, you can develop jaundice, which causes yellowing in the whites of your eyes and a yellowish tinge to your skin. This is a serious sign of not only gallbladder disease, but liver disease, so please contact us if you develop jaundice.

When gallbladder surgery makes good sense

If your symptoms are mild, we may be able to manage your gallbladder disease without surgery. If, however, you’re in severe pain and an infection has developed, removing your gallbladder is often the best course of action.

We want to emphasize that you can lead a perfectly normal life without your gallbladder, as your liver works around the absence and releases bile directly into your small intestine.

Obviously, we can’t say here what treatment option is best for your gallbladder disease. To figure that out, it’s best to call our Brighton Beach area office in Brooklyn, New York, at 609-793-9375 or request a consultation through this website.

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